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W A N N A  B E  A  M O D E L ? 
show us your kid with a sparkle in the eye :-).

La La Agency works with models with a strong look, matching with our clients.

Because of the amount of applications we can’t respond to each and every one individually.


We will reply to an applicant we find interesting to join our agency, within approximately 10 working days.

If you think your child has the right looks and personality to become a model, send us an email with the subject 'new model' to and include the information below: 

Geslacht / Gender : 

Naam / Name :

Woonplaats  / Place of residence & Country : 

Telefoonnummer / Phone number : 

Email / Email :

Kledingmaat / Clothing size :

Lengte / Height  (please measure secure with no shoes on) :

Instagram : 

Sta je ingeschreven bij andere modellenbureau's? / Are you already registered with other modeling agencies? : 

Zo ja, welke? / Yes, which one? : 


Please upload at least 4 photos, attachments only. No wetransfer or google drive.

Happy to receive your email🌈

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